Thursday, January 04, 2007

No Big Deal

Über-liberal Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was elected the first female House Speaker, which makes her third in line in succesion for the presidency of the United States of America. I am unimpressed.

Ms. Pelosi, who paints herself a wife, housewife, mother and grandmother is actually a millionaire several times over by "virtue" of marrying a millionaire. Her truculence, intransigence and rabid liberalism are renowned.

In a painfully orchestrated photo-op, several children surrounded her as she gaveled the new congressional session into order. She was doing it "for all American children," she said. Given the new democrat impetus to advance the abortion and embryonic and stem cell agendas, there won't be too many more of those children for Pelosi to parade in front of the TV cameras for her own self-aggrandizement.


Anonymous said...

Hypocrisy knows no bounds when it comes to liberals. You are incorrect though, Othelmo, in labelling Ms. Pelosi a millionaire -- her hubby and her are at least billionaires based on their real estate and vineyard holdings alone. (I wonder if the illegal aliens picking those grapes are aware of that. Probably not.) One can only wonder where that whip she holds in her hand has been used before when considering the district she represents.

You should also be a bit impressed though by the Democrat takeover. Heck, I had no idea they had enough ideas to consume the first 100 hours of control of Congress. It sure never came up in the campaign. I recall the Republicans took 100 days to pass the Contract with America and actually debated all of the items. Pelosi must have thought that was too constraining, so she locked the doors and picked out the biggest pet issues they could get through without Bush waking up with his veto pen. The minimum wage is their big item. The fact that virtually no one currently works at the old minimum wage must have passed them by. The fact that no one needs the government setting this and that it is none of their business to do so never even occurred to them, I am sure.

Your note of the chief abortion advocate of the country surrounding herself with children is most appropriate. Good thing these lucky liberal urchins escaped the knife and suction pump. She should have stood beside a sink filled with some of her lost constituents at a Planned non-Parenthood clinic. Pelosi views children more as "soylent green" than humans. I believe Pelosi's only "housewife" duties would be to put out the working orders for the servants. She probably doesn't even know where the pots and pans are kept. It is a big house.

You neglected to mention the Minnesota embarassment, Keith Ellison, NOT taking his oath on a Koran after all his noise about it. Apparently he couldn't even find his own dog-eared copy to use for the photo op and had to borrow the English (non-authorized by any Muslim) version from Thomas Jefferson's library. I doubt that old Tom read much of this book, unless he was trying to understand the type of people who were attacking our merchant ships at the time, enslaving our sailors and demanding huge bribes from us "infidels". Some things really haven't changed much I guess. We built some nice warships and blew those bums back to Tunis, but I don't suppose Ellison knows about that either. He is working on the new jihad.

Happy New Year and its great to see your handiwork again. May your life be free of Hawthornes and Nelsons the rest of the year.

Anonymous said...

Othelmo, where did you get that picture? It really cracks me up (no pun intended)! She looks like a "locust of evil", as our greatest president would have put it, would he not?