Thursday, April 19, 2007

If It Bleeds ...

Backlash Leads to Pullback on Cho Video

Apr 19 02:31 PM US/Eastern


AP Television Writer

NEW YORK (AP) - With a backlash developing against the media for airing sickening pictures from Virginia Tech shooter Cho Seung-Hui, Fox News Channel said Thursday it would stop and other networks said they would severely limit their use.

NBC News was the recipient Wednesday of Cho's package of rambling, hate-filled video and written messages, with several pictures of him posing with a gun. Contents began airing on "Nightly News," and its rivals quickly used them, too.

Family members of victims canceled plans to appear on NBC's "Today" show Thursday because they "were very upset" with the network for showing the pictures, "Today" host Meredith Vieira said.

Virginia State Police Col. Steve Flaherty—who praised NBC Wednesday for coming to authorities first with the package—said Thursday he was disappointed with what the network showed. "I just hate that a lot of people not used to seeing that type of image had to see it," he said.

NBC said the material was aired because it helped to answer the question of why Cho killed 32 people and himself on the Virginia Tech campus Monday. "The decision to run this video was reached by virtually every news organization in the world, as evidenced by coverage on television, on Web sites and in newspapers," NBC said in a statement. "We have covered this story—and our unique role in it—with extreme sensitivity, underscored by our devoted efforts to remember and honor the victims and heroes of this tragic incident."

How did NBC "honor the victims and heroes of this tragic incident" by broadcasting mass murderer Cho Seung-Hui's deranged rantings to the whole world? The truth is that the news media in general and NBC in particular victimized the survivors and the families of the slain all over again.

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