Monday, December 24, 2007

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

Socialist gadfly Gary Mullen-Schultz, whose Sith name is Darth Pompous, has opened up his wallet and made "a generous gift donation" to Wellstone Action! in my honor.

I laughed out loud when I got the notification from Wellstone Action! member services above. At least Mr. Mullen-Schultz didn't use taxpayer money to "honor" me, unless he can get a tax deduction of some kind. I wouldn't put it past him.

If his faulty thinking is as predictable as it's always been, Mr. Mullen-Schultz meant the gift as one of his childish insults. Actually, I don't take it that way. Senator Paul Wellstone and his wife Sheila may have have been misguided in their liberal zeal, but at least they were intellectually honest and consistent. I can respect that. Unlike Mr. Mullen-Schultz and his fellow left-of-center ideologues, the Wellstones had the moral backbone to stand by and fight for their convictions came Hell or high water.

The truth is, Mr. Mullen-Schultz can't stop thinking about me (Not that there is anything wrong with that). The man is drawn to me like a moth to the flame. I ask again, should I be flattered or frightened?

If any other liberal cyber-stalkers out there want to honor me with their money, the Salvation Army is the organization I favor to receive your not-so-hard-earned cash. This being a free country and all, you are at liberty to donate your money to the Sierra Club, PETA, the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement or the Kucinich campaign in my honor if you want.

Merry Christmas to all, particularly Gary Mullen-Schultz. May he find emotional peace and mental health in the coming year.

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