Friday, September 01, 2006

Blowing Smoke

Just in case you missed him, Minnesota Attorney General Mike Hatch was in town again yesterday. He comes to Rochester almost as often as Governor Tim Pawlenty these days. Hatch and Judi Dutcher, his running mate, went to the University Center Rochester to smear Pawlenty and avoid saying that they want to raise taxes to solve any and all "crises."

Hatch's talk could have been summarized in one sentence, if he were not so in love with the sound of his own voice: Governor Tim Pawlenty is single-handedly responsible for the 50% tuition increase in higher education the last 4 years.

Not health care for university employees.
Not maintenance and construction costs.
Not waste and excess.
But Tim Pawlenty.

Matt Stolle's P-B coverage mentioned that Hatch addressed a group of 35 students, but it should be noted that most, if not all of them, were there to take notes for an "assignment" from their English teacher. It was a convenient, though disingenuous, way to add warm bodies and young faces to an audience which would otherwise be reduced to a couple of reporters and the aides who follow Hatch from photo op to photo op.

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