Friday, September 01, 2006

Honest Amy

The following is the text of an email Chris Miksanek sent to 1st Ward Councilwoman Amy Blenker in response to a "personal" note left at his door. It is published here with his permission.

Dear Amy,

An hour ago, you apparently rang my doorbell. I didn't want to be bothered, so I looked through the blinds until "you" left; and left behind a leaflet stating that you were sorry you missed me. In person, you are apparently a 30-ish man with a receding hairline. Or maybe that was one of your campaign workers leaving behind your personalized material? Naaa .. you wouldn't be dishonest about something like that, would you? Say it ain't so! Tell me that you're more honest than that.

Chris Miksanek

Amy's "personal" note says "Sorry I missed you" (emphasis mine), implying that she herself had left the note. Very misleading indeed and even more egregious than the supposed "re-elect" wordage of Carla Nelson's signs.

Blenker's voice has been anything but independent. She votes the party line: with the bureaucracy and for tax increases. "Balancing our priorities" means absolutely nothing, unless she believes that funding the construction of yet another ice hockey arena is a "priority." Finally, there is nothing honest about pretending that you stopped by someone else's house, didn't find them home, but was thoughtful enough to leave a personal note.

The one "accomplishment" of Amy's that really stands out to me was her vote to raise city taxes the week before Christmas last year. Independent indeed.

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