Friday, July 13, 2007

Say It Ain't So, Dennis!

Kucinich: Edwards 'Trying to Rig an Election'

An angry Dennis Kucinich lashed out at John Edwards on Friday, saying his Democratic rival showed "a consistent lack of integrity" by suggesting fewer candidates should participate in presidential forums and then trying to explain his remark to reporters.

"This is a serious matter and I'm calling him on it," Kucinich, an Ohio congressman, said in a telephone interview Friday. "Whispering, trying to rig an election, then denying what's going on and making excuses. It all reflects a consistent lack of integrity."

Kucinich's comments came after Edwards and Hillary Rodham Clinton were overheard Thursday discussing the possibility of limiting the number of participants in future presidential forums.

In an exchange captured on camera and open microphone by broadcasters after an NAACP forum in Detroit, Edwards approached Clinton onstage and whispered in her ear.

"We should try to have a more serious and a smaller group," Edwards said, and Clinton agreed.

"Our guys should talk," Clinton said, complaining the format had "trivialized" the discussion.

When asked about the incident, Clinton and Edwards gave conflicting accounts. Hillary "Our Guys Should Talk" Clinton, believe it or not, shirked responsibility. "I think [Edwards] has some ideas about what he'd like to do," she said as if she disagreed with Edwards. If that is the case, what should "their guys" talk about?

Edwards is not as good a liar as Hillary. Heck, no one is as good a liar as Hillary. Between $1,000 haircuts, Edwards said that he favors dividing the Democrats into two groups of four to facilitate more "serious discussion" so people would better see the contrast among the Democrat candidates. Right. I'm shocked, SHOCKED! that liberals Democrats would even think about rigging an election.
I never thought I would ever agree with Dennis Kucinich about anything, but he has a point when he says that Hillary and Edwards show a "consistent lack of integrity" in this matter. As a matter of fact, their lack of integrity is so consistent that it affects every other matter, personal as well as political.
These people are not for a free, uninhibited exchange of ideas. They do not want to compete fairly for fear of losing. Back room deals and rigged games is how they function most effectively. The democratic process is a bother to the liberal elites, unless it serves their nefarious purposes.

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