Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Community Indoctrination

When I think about community education I think about classes or workshops that bring a community together. Apparently I was wrong. Please note the following description of a community ed class to be offered in less than two weeks here in Rochester. It is titled "Be Informed and Become a Voice in Your Community."

If race doesn't exist biologically, why shoul it matter? This final episode focuses on how our institutions and policies have quietly advantaged the white race at the expense of others.

From citizenship laws to federal housing policies, the advantaged position of the white race has been promoted and maintained by a long history of inequality. Until we address the legacy of historical discrimination, the dream of equality remains out of reach. Film followed by discussion.

You'd think that such a workshop would be taught by Barack Obama's long time pastor, the racist, anti-American and anti-Semitic Reverend Jeremiah Wright. You'd be wrong. Instead, the anti-White community education class, though they'd prefer to call it "white privilege workshop" is "[c]osponsored with Diversity Council" and taught by Diversity Council staff.

Now, I'm married to a White woman. Her family embraced me without reservation. I call my in-laws "Mom" and "Dad." My children are of mixed heritage. I'm talking Cape Verdean, Portuguese, Brazilian, Irish, British, German, Swedish and who knows what else. Most of my friends are White. Really.

Notice the conspiracy theory slant. Our institutions and policies have "quietly advantaged (I think they mean "advanced") the white race." It reminds me of an old Eddie Murphy skit on Saturday Night Live. In it, Murphy set out to prove that Whites "quietly" exclude Blacks. Makeup artist turned him into a White male and off he went. He boarded a bus where a couple of Black people were. As soon as they got off, party music started playing and champagne was served.

Next, Murphy, still disguised as a White male, went to a bank. A Black man ahead of him failed to secure a loan to start a business even though he had an excellent education, a good paying job, no debts and enough assets to secure the loan. Frustrated, the Black man leaves the banker's office. In comes Murphy in White makeup. He tells the banker that he wants a loan, has no business plan, no education, no job and no assets. He's given the loan anyway. On the spot. In cash. The Diversity Council staff would most likely watch the Murphy skit and call it a documentary.

It's my understanding that the Diversity Council goes into schools to teach children how privileged and exclusionary White people have always been. I cannot speak for White children who hear this drivel, but I will shield mine from being indoctrinated into the philosophy that half their heritage is somehow evil. Stereotyping is wrong. Period.

Racism sickens me whether it is promoted by Black supremacists like Obama's Reverend Wright or self-loathing White people.

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