Thursday, June 19, 2008

Barack "FLIP/FLOP" Obama: Against Public Financing of Campaigns Before He Was For It

Obama Flip Flops: Opts Out of Public Financing
Thursday, June 19, 2008 9:30 AM

WASHINGTON -- Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Thursday he will bypass the federal public financing system in the general election, abandoning an earlier commitment to take the money if his Republican rival did as well.

Obama is blaming a "broken system" for not keeping his word. Think what you will about the federal public financing system. I don't care for it myself. The issue here is Obama's credibility. Can you trust anything the man says?
Obama is pro-Israel one day and pro-Palestine the next.
At one time, he could no more repudiate his crazy anti-American pastor than he could the black community. Not long after that, he resigned from his church.
Just yesterday there were reports that the Obama campaign actively excludes women wearing hijabs from the background crowd at campaign stops.
Today, Obama flip-flopped on public financing in the general election after pledging he would if his Republican opponent did.
Is this what Obama means when he talks about "change we can believe in?" It looks like the same old game of political expediency to me.

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