Saturday, January 14, 2006

Do Nothing Tina

District 30A Rep. Tina "Do Nothing" Liebling has proven once again why she is an embarrassment even to her DFL colleagues.

LIEbling's most recent delusional episode took the form of a P-B column (Legislature didn't do everything, but it did do a lot Fri, Jan 13, 2006). It is full of "inaccuracies," as my wife calls them. I prefer the L-word: LIES.

First off, the 2005 legislature didn't do "the work of two years in one." The work of the 2004 legislature had already been done when Liebling's liberal buddies decided to play political games with the state budget. What "better" way to prevent a budget from being voted on than to shut down the state government?

When the 2005 legislature convened, all they had to do was vote on the work that had been done. Liebling and Little Andy Welti never lifted a finger to bring the new floors on Mayo's Stabile Building, support the Genomics Partnership or build the health science labs at RCTC. All they did was cast votes. Any fool can do that then take credit. They did and they have.

Liebling claims that the 2005 legislature wasn't "able" to repeal Minnesota's sick tax. The truth is that her DFL puppet masters were not "willing" to give up that cash cow. Social engineering comes at a considerable cost, don't you know.

The most recent government shutdown took place minutes after DFL senate majority leader Dean Johnson pretended to reach an agreement with governor Tim Pawlenty. As the final details were being hammered out, Johnson and his DFL minions went ahead and shut down the government anyway. Bringing the state engines to a grinding halt and causing hardship to state workers brought them electoral benefits before. It was just too hard for them to resist doing it one more time. The DFL has long given up winning elections on issues anyway.

When she says she voted eight times for a continuing budget resolution during the government shutdow, Liebling uses the same disingenuous line Welti used in a previous column to the P-B. Their votes were a sham. As a friend of mine has said, anybody can say they got their job done "on time" if they move the deadline eight times. Libeling's and the DFL's next shell game is to present themselves as the taxpayers' best friends as they roll out their property tax relief dog-and-pony show. As if the DFL ever proposed a credible tax relief plan of any kind. At press time, there was no word on using part of the state surplus money to build Rep. Andy Welti's airport fence to nowhere.

Liebling should stick to her vacant smiles in front of the cameras whenever Dean Johnson and Matt Entenza roll into town to pull hers and Welti's strings. Rochester is tired of the DFL's (and Tina's) lies, er, innacuracies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I was thinking of writing a LtoE to the CompostB on the Liebling pack of lies. You covered every point and every lie she wrote. She and Andy "deer in the headlights" Welti are embarassing and ineffective. Welti's PB letters remind me of a teenager's diary, "What I saw at the Capital today, by Wily Welti".

You should become the second contributer from a conservative viewpoint for the PB. Ostrom is currently outnumbered 3 to 1, not counting Krugman. Or run for school board since Lynch is bailing out for higher aspirations. Great blog. It makes my day.