Sunday, January 08, 2006

The Kiscaden Buzz

It has been reported that DFL gubernatorial hopeful Kelly Doran will pick Senator Sheila Kiscaden as his running mate.

So, Kiscaden is a liberal democrat. What's new? The fact that she is dropping the pretense? Far from being the Joan of Arc of Southeast Minnesota, Kiscaden epitomizes the hypocrisy of self-appointed political moderates.

These committed liberals in tattered disguises of moderation would have you believe hat their mission is the well being of the district rather than the growth of their party. Kiscaden, along with her door-knocking pimple-faced counterparts, does not want you to know they often vote against the economic interests and moral values of their constituents. Kiscaden, Rep. Andy Welti and and Rep. Tina Liebling are Dr. Jekyl while in the district, but quickly turn into Mr. Hyde while in St. Paul.

A recent P-B story touting Kiscaden's "moderate" credentials never mentioned the number of votes she missed while pursuing her own interests overseas during the special session. Apparently our Joan of Arc can legislate by email.

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