Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Done In For

"I would."
- Senator Barack Hussein Obama (D-IL) during the Youtube debate when asked if he would meet, without precondition, with Cuban, North Korean, Syrian, Venezuelan and Iranian leaders during his first year in office.

This was a major gaffe on the part of Senator Obama and I doubt he will recover from it. Hillary pounced on his answer as if on cue. "I don't want to be used for propaganda purposes," Hillary said.

Back in February, while campaigning in New Hampshire, Bill Clinton's wife was whistling a different tune, however. "You don't refuse to talk to bad people. I think life is filled with uncomfortable situations where you have to deal with people you might not like. I'm sort of an expert on that. I have consistently urged the president to talk to Iran and talk to Syria. I think it's a sign of strength, not weakness." Obama couldn't agree more. Then and now.

Hillary is a sociopath. She has no credibility whatsoever on the issue of dealing with rogue nations. Heck, she has no credibility on foreign policy. Period!

By the way, didn't Hillary vote FOR the Iraq war?

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