Monday, February 11, 2008

"No man’s life, liberty, or property are safe while the Legislature is in session” - Gideon J. Tucker

The 2008 legislative session starts tomorrow. It is supposed to be short and deal with bonding only. But you know DFLers, why do the people's business when they can pose, posture and prevaricate? The latest Coffee and Conversation forum took place last Saturday morning at John Marshall High School. Here's a quick summary.

Senator Dave Senjem was the adult legislator in the meeting. He spoke eloquently about the main purpose of the 2008 legislative session: bonding for transportation. Dave does not believe the DFL will try to force Carol Molnau out of her position as Transportation Commissioner, but that remains to be seen.

I'm not sure what Senator Ann Lynch is drinking here but Dunn Brothers provided coffee for the meeting as they usually do.

In a bold move that is sure to further endear the freshman senator to her constituents and assure them of her sharp intellectual skills, Ann Lynch announced that during this legislative session she will focus her attention on ... dental care. Wow!

In her signature incoherent self, Lynch managed to say little while speaking a lot. I have lost count of the number of people who tell me she is not exactly Mensa material. After listening to her ramble last Saturday morning, I understand wh

Andy Welti was unimpressive as usual. He spent most of his time (I honestly thought he wasn't going to shut up) parroting the information he gleaned from a couple of meetings on the latest global warming craze: "peak oil." He nearly induced a collective coma by quoting statistic after boring statistic on the subject.

The "peak oil" theory says that worldwide oil production is beyond its maximum rate and is now in "terminal decline." Welti's solution? Government intrusion, abusive taxation and bike paths.

Mercifully, Reps. Tina Liebling and Kim Norton were not present. There is only so much insanity and self-importance I can endure.

I only had one request from each of the three legislators present as they gear up for the 2008 legislative session: sobriety.

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