Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tweedledee and Tweedledum

"In the last several debates I seem to get the first question all the time. I don't mind. I'll be happy to field it. I just find it curious if anybody saw "Saturday Night Live," maybe we should ask Barack if he's comfortable and needs another pillow."

-- Hillary Clinton whining about the fact that the liberal media like Obama and not her at the opening of their latest primary debate.

AP Special Correspondent
CLEVELAND - Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama clashed over trade, health care and the war in Iraq Tuesday night in a crackling debate at close quarters one week before a pivotal group of primaries.

Charges of negative campaign tactics were high on the program, too. Clinton said Obama's campaign had recently sent out mass mailings with false information about her health care proposal, adding, "it is almost as though the health insurance companies and the Republicans wrote it."

When it was his turn to speak, Obama said Clinton's campaign has "constantly sent out negative attacks on us ... We haven't whined about it because I understand that's the nature of these campaigns."

The tone was polite yet pointed, increasingly so as the 90-minute session wore on, a reflection of the stakes in a race in which Obama has won 11 straight primaries and caucuses and Clinton is in desperate need of a comeback.

Clinton also said as far as she knew her campaign had nothing to do with circulating a photograph of Obama wearing a white turban and a wraparound white robe presented to him by elders in Wajir, in northeastern Kenya.
Hillary is tanking. Fast. Her campaign is improvising. They have no credible tactic to combat Obama's popularity with Democrats and the media. Everything they do backfires. The "Clinton magic" has lost its power.
Hillary's contention that she had nothing to do with circulating a picture of Barack Obama wearing a turban is just not credible, particularly since her very racially divisive campaigns in Nevada and South Carolina.
Obama is indeed getting a free ride from the drive-by media because he is a better story than Hillary "Yesterday's News" Clinton.

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