Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Uh-oh! Not Her Piggy Bank!

Clinton Lent Campaign $5 Million, Considers More
By Kate Phillips

At her news conference this afternoon, Senator Clinton acknowledged the loan, saying: “I loaned the campaign $5 million from my money. That’s where I got the money. I did it because I believe very strongly in this campaign, and we had a great month fund-raising in January, broke all our records, but my opponent was able to raise more money and we intended to be competitive – and we were – and I think the results last night proved the wisdom of my investment.”

Her advisers says she’s considering another loan because money is tight now — the mega-primaries yesterday were quite the financial drain. And although she won many states yesterday, including some very big states like New York and California, the victories weren’t resoundingly decisive enough — especially when you look at the extremely tight delegate matchup right now — to inspire a lot of new giving

At the risk of sounding misogynistic, Hillary is the Queen of Spin. In her twisted, megalomaniacal mind, she is not strapped for cash, she is making "an investment" in her own campaign. The woman is a sociopath.

The truth - Hillary's mortal enemy - is that she is "broke." Obama outraised her in January. Big. The freshman senator's campaign raked in a whopping $32 million last month.

Poor Hillary had to dig into her own piggy bank and scrape a meager $ 5 million to tide her over. Hillary is on the run, folks.

In the meantime, the intellectually lazy decry the fact that Mitt Romney is partly financing his own campaign. They are as hypocritical and deluded as their mistress Hillary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm, weren't the Clintons poor when they came to the White House for the first spin? Usually Democrats consider "investments" to be when they spend someone else's money on themselves. But then, much of the Clinton's money is other people's money. It sounds like Bill will have to make a few trips to the Caymen Islands to withdraw some of the "old" Arkansas money they earned the hard way (by stealing it). It does appear the tide is turning. Let's hope for a big wave to wash the Clintons out to a deserted political island.