Sunday, January 13, 2008

Bottoms Up! II

The Mug Shot

From The Smoking Gun:
Clinton Adviser In Drunk Driving Bust
JANUARY 12--Sidney Blumenthal, a senior Hillary Clinton campaign adviser and former White House aide to Bill Clinton, was arrested this week for drunk driving in New Hampshire, one day before the state's presidential primary. Blumenthal, 59, was popped by Nashua cops after his rented Buick was pulled over for speeding. When Blumenthal, pictured in the below Nashua Police Department mug shot, showed signs of intoxication, a cop gave him a field sobriety test, which the Clinton operative failed. Blumenthal, who declined to take a Breathalyzer test, was booked into the Nashua lockup on an aggravated DWI charge. The misdemeanor rap is considered "aggravated" because Blumenthal was speeding when his vehicle was stopped at 12:30 AM Monday. He is scheduled to be arraigned in Nashua District Court on January 31.

Sidney "Sid Vicious" Blumenthal, Bill and Hillary Clinton's most loyal brownshirt and full time professional spinmonger, is one of the dirtiest, most repulsive political operatives in history - which explains his attachment to the Clintons. He is the kind of guy you would catch rummaging through your garbage in search of damaging information. Curiously, he was a journalist before Bill Clinton invited him to become "Assistant to the President" in 1997.

When Arkansas State troopers blew the whistle on Bill Clinton's adulterous shenanigans and exposed Hillary's toxic temper, Sid Vicious did his liberal best to destroy them personally and professionally. As the Clintons' pit bull, Sid was in charge of destroying anyone who was critical of his masters' shameful, immoral and illegal behavior when they disgraced the office of President of the United States in the 1990s. It is believed that he coined the now-infamous phrase "the vast right-wing conspiracy."

Sid is now an unpaid advisor to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. His payment comes from writing columns favorable of Hillary's campaign and scathingly critical of anyone else who would get in the way of former first lady's maniacal obsession with the American presidency.

Parenthetically, drunkenness - whether documented or suspected - seems to be prevalent among liberal Democrats (a lot of the legislation produced by the majority last year seems to indicate that most of them were on the sauce either when they wrote it or voted for it). Take the Minnesota legislature, for example.

Rukavina. Accountability. Right.

Rep. Tom Rukavina (DFL-Virginia) has earned the following citation on Wikipedia:
Rukavina was arrested on July 31, 2004 for driving drunk. He was cited for fourth degree drunken driving. His blood alcohol level was 0.15. He had been an opponent of lowering the blood alcohol level from .10 to .08. The state legislature in 2004 approved lowering the level beginning August 2005.

Metzen "feeling good"

Minnesota State Senate president James Metzen (DFL-South St. Paul) was arrested for DUI in the early hours of Tuesday, May 22, 2007 just hours after gaveling the 2007 session to a close. His blood-alcohol concentration was 0.15 percent, almost twice the legal limit of 0.08 percent. Metzen was "severely" punished: 20 hours of community service, a $300 fine and one year probation. At the time, Metzen apologized to his colleagues for his "lapse in judgment." BTW, a 2004 hidden-camera exposé revealed drinking in Metzen's office.

Guess in which picture Ted Mondale is drunk. I can't either.

Ted Mondale, former state senator, DFL candidate for governor and son of former vice-president Walter Mondale, was arrested on Wednesday, May 9, 2007 on suspicion of driving under the influence. He failed a field sobriety test after refusing to take a Breathalyzer test. Mondale also refused to take a blood-alcohol test at the jail on advice of his attorney.

Obviously not Linda Pfeilsticker's mugshot. Aren't mugshots public record? I wonder why the P-B and the Winona Daily News didn't publish it ...

On December 9, 2007, state troopers fished Winona Senior High social studies teacher and Minnesota House district 28B DFL candidate Linda Pfeilsticker out of a ditch along MN Highway 60. She failed a field sobriety test and her blood-alcohol level was 0.17, over twice the legal limit of 0.8.

Republican Steve Drazkowski defeated Pfielsticker in a special election to fill Rep. Steve Sviggum's seat last summer. Sviggum held the seat for nearly 30 years before stepping down to become
Commissioner of Labor and Industry.

This is a serious matter. It is disturbing that someone in Pfeilsticker's position would downplay the gravity of this incident.
"The overall reaction that I've gotten from people is that this is not something that you should let get in the way of [running again]," she reportedly said. "You learn from your mistakes and you move on. You take your lumps, but you learn from that," she continued. I will be watching with interest what actions, if any, her principal and the school board take from this point on.

My favorite P-B online comment on the story was that P
feilsticker's arrest is "a great teaching tool" about "how bad it is to drink and drive and how it can ruin ones [sic] life." Let's hope Ms. Pfeilsticker's next lesson is not about how bad it is to smoke crack, beat up on grandma or run with scissors.

Drunk driving is a serious matter. People kill and get killed when they get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle while impaired by drugs or alcohol. Having a focus group with her students does not make Pfeilsticker's drinking problem go away.

Pfeilsticker is quoted as saying that she has "much better judgment than that." Well, it's patently obvious that she does not. Being fished out of a ditch by state troopers, failing a field sobriety test and having a blood-alcohol level more than twice the legal limit are not "mistakes [that] can be made by anyone."

Pfeilsticker is blessed to be alive as are the others who were on the road at the same time she was behind the wheel of her vehicle while severely impaired by alcohol. Pfeilsticker needs to join a recovery program as soon as possible. Her DFL handlers should urge her to do so, unless they think that winning an election is more important than saving someone's life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Othelmo, you're being too hard on the lady. She took driver's training from Tim Walz you know. She just failed the part about hiring yourself a good liar to get all the evidence suppressed and then blaming the problem on bad hearing. I guess this gives new meaning to the term "teachable moment".