Monday, January 28, 2008

The Party of the Past

Ted Kennedy endorsed Barack Obama's Democratic nomination bid today

Caroline's and Uncle Teddy Kennedy's endorsements are astounding. The stalwarts of the liberal party are distancing themselves from Hillary, Bill and their ugliness and racial/gender divisiveness. They are sensing something different here. They are looking into the future of the party and don't see the Clintons there. This contest is about electoral longevity.

Obama has tapped into a demographic that they covet. Kennedy, Kerry and other near-extinction liberal dinosaurs know they are living on borrowed time regarding the constituencies that have voted for them in the past. Their support of Obama has more to do with riding in his wake than sincerely supporting him and his candidacy.

Having said all that, Obama is all hat and no cattle. He says a lot without saying much. He says it really well, though.

I hope Bill Clinton stays center stage for the rest of the campaign season. He is exposing the racial and gender conflicts within his liberal Democratic Party for all to see. Those of us who have been paying attention have known for years that they are the true party of condescension, division and prejudice. Hillary and her campaign are pragmatists, however. They have to know that Bill's rhetoric energized Black voters to vote for Obama and skunked Hillary in South Carolina and will dump him accordingly. Or at least script him differently.

It's hard to know how this whole thing is going to shake out. It is certainly not over for Hillary. She is ahead of Obama in the delegate count. I am not sure she is doing herself any favors with the DNC by campaigning in Florida other than pandering to Hispanics and generating photo-ops. It's funny to watch her defend Florida Democrats' right to vote when she and Bill tried so hard to suppress both union and Black votes in Nevada and South Carolina, respectively.

Either Barack or Hillary would be disastrous presidents both domestically and particularly in terms of foreign policy and engagement.

Have you seen the movie "The Kingdom?" If not, you should.

What a chilling reminder of the clear and present danger the Middle East is. Neither Obama nor Clinton understand the seriousness and magnitude of the challenge of Islamic extremism. America needs a president who will be ready to stare terrorists in the face from day one. Neither Democrat can do that.


Anonymous said...

Good ol' Uncle Teddy. I hope by now he has learned how to pronounce Obama's name. The first time he tried to introduce him he called him Osama bin Laden! Having Teddy behind you is probably better than having him sitting in the driver's seat next to you, but it still isn't much.

The Clintons have managed to split the already fractured Democrats along racial and gender lines. Those fractures have always been there, but they have now driven a chisel through them. The Clintons and Democrats in general have always presumed that the Black vote belonged to them and there is nothing they could do to lose it. They may finally have overstepped with their behavior in South Carolina.

Hillary's strategery with Florida and Michigan is to capture those delegates and then get the rules changed at the convention to allow them to vote. She has run uncontested in both states because of the current rules and there are about 100 delegates involved. There will be calls for "fairness" and they may prevail. Unless Hillary is totally blown away on Super Tuesday (a good possibility now) both she and Obama may come to the convention without a majority of delegates needed. That could set up some real fun times. Not to mention the campaign between the two will continue from February up to the convention. It may actually be up to Edwards to decide which of them wins. Hillary's meanness may finally finish her off at that point.

I actually have more faith in Obama governing well as president than Hillary. Yes, he does lack substance and his real policy and beliefs remain unclear behind the folksy rhetoric, but he does have a pragmatic side and ability to work with people that Hillary totally lacks. And a guy who praised Ronald Reagan can't be all bad in my book. It will be fun to watch for sure.

Othelmo da Silva said...

Good points, quser. The intellectually lazy say that opposition to Hillary's divisive presidential nomination campaign is tantamount to misogynism. Consistency would dictate that Ted Kennedy be slapped with the same label. After all, when given a choice between two senate colleagues, he opted to support the male.

Thank you for your thoughts on Hillary's Florida strategy. When the rules don't favor them, the Clintons either change them or break them outright.