Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Race Baiter in Chief

Race baiting in S.C.
Associated Press Writer

DILLON, S.C. - Bill Clinton said Wednesday he expects blacks to vote for Barack Obama and women to vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton, and the dynamic may cause his wife to lose the South Carolina Democratic presidential primary Saturday.

The comments by the former president — who also lashed out at Obama and the news media — mark one of the starkest commentaries yet on the possible role of race, although it has been a subtext of the Obama-Clinton rivalry for months. The comments also furthered the Clintons' bid to play down Sen. Clinton's chances of winning in a state where Obama seems to be ahead.

There is no racial "subtext" in the Obama-Clinton contest. Bill Clinton, Hillary's chief surrogate, is waging an open race war against Obama with his wife's blessing. Or does anyone really think that Monica Lewinsky's former paramour is really speaking off the cuff out there?
So much for tolerance, diversity and affirmative action from the good liberal White folk.

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