Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Walz's Illegal Immigration "Solution"

Walz: People, technology needed at border
1/28/2008 8:34:17 AM
By Edward Felker
Post-Bulletin, Rochester MN

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Tim Walz, D-Mankato, returned Saturday from El Paso, Texas, after a two-day border security fact-finding trip that convinced him that illegal immigration can be stemmed through additional personnel and technology.

He said he found little support among U.S. Border Patrol and Homeland Security agents for the 700-mile fence envisioned along the southwestern border. Rather, he said, they favor a mix of fencing in urban areas with improved surveillance capabilities and more agents and trained dogs to handle the traffic at official border crossings

Walz's "solution" to illegal immigration is more government employees. How original. He talked to union members, I'm sure. The Austin Post-Bulletin's Online headline for this story read "Walz: Border agents have common sense." Could it be that border agents fear many of them would be out of a job if a security fence were to be built along the border? Duh, Tim!

I doubt the 1st District Congressman talked to farmers, ranchers and other property owners who are harassed, threatened and harmed by those crossing the border unlawfully day after day. Or sought the input of local law enforcement officers regarding the impact of illegal border crossings on crime in their jurisdiction.

Fences put up on the border of other countries work. Israel has been considerably safer from terrorist bombings since they erected a border fence between them and those who would do them harm.

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