Saturday, April 19, 2008

Davis versus Goliath

First Congressional District liberals are giddy and overconfident these days. Candidates are making their campaign finance reports public and Tim Walz's campaign coffers are filled to overflowing.

The incumbent has reported $1.5 million in reelection funds raised during the first quarter with a little over $1 million on hand. To those who are putting their reelection confidence on Walz's fund raising prowess, I have two words: Howard Dean.

GOP candidate Brian Davis may be the underdog in terms of finances
but he is definitely the better candidate given the cultural and economic makeup of the First District. He doesn't plan to buy the First District congressional seat. Davis is David to the incumbent's Goliath. You know how the story ends.

Liberals in the district would rather boast about the incumbent's cash reserve than discuss the congressman's support for Barack Obama, a presidential candidate who considers children born out of wedlock a "punishment" and equivalent to acquiring a sexually transmitted disease. Not to mention the Illinois Senator's elitist statement that small town America is a collection of bitter homophobes who cling to religion and guns. Walz has yet to disavow Obama's comments or withdraw his support from someone whose values clearly do not match those of the district the congressman was elected to represent. "NASCAR Democrats" should know they are always welcome in the Republican Party.

One of Walz's staunchest sycophants attributes the incumbent congressman's fund raising success to being "a servant of the people," which reads ver
y much like a communist slogan. Like Reps. Andy Welti, Kim Norton and Tina Liebling, as well as Sen. Ann Lynch present a "moderate" persona at home and an ideologically subservient one in St. Paul, incumbent Tim Walz is Mr. Jekyl in the district but Mr. Hyde in Washington, D.C.

Walz's First District face, depending on which part of the
district he is in and what issue is being discussed, is accessible, congenial and friendly.

Incumbent Tim Walz's "First District face"

His public relations supports his fundraising. I inadvertently caused quite a stir in the Post-Bulletin's Political Party Blog when I suggested that a meeting between First District veterans and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi being arranged by Walz might be nothing more than cover for a lavish fundraiser to take place later that same day. Here are selected parts of the blog post that I found revealing:

Walz brings Pelosi to hear local vets

posted by Edward Felker, P-B Washington Bureau

Rep. Tim Walz, D-Mankato, has won a visit by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on April 21 for a meeting with 1st Congressional District veterans, but they'll have to drive to the Twin Cities.

Walz's spokeswoman Meredith Salsbery said Pelosi, D-Calif., cannot travel to the district, which stretches along southern Minnesota and includes Rochester, Winona, and Mankato. The place and exact time of the meeting will be announced later, and attendees will be included by invitation. The size of the gathering has yet to be determined, but attendees will include representatives of veterans service organizations, she said.

Normally a national party leader such as Pelosi will help raise money when they visit the rank-and-file in their home states. Earlier today I said in in this blog that the Walz campaign was unsure if a fundraiser could be held given the speaker's schedule; now that's changed. Richard Carlbom, Walz's political director, said this evening that Pelosi will appear at a fundraising event with Walz in the Twin Cities as part of her visit.

My impression of the post was as follows:

The title of this post is misleading. It makes it look like Pelosi is coming to Minnesota to visit veterans on Walz's request.

The painful truth, however, is that the House Majority Leader is coming to our state for a fundraiser in the Twin Cities. Using veterans as a cover to raise money is shameful.

My musings regarding the event drew a firestorm of protestations from Walz's groupies. Here's a sample:
Calling a meeting with veterans a "cover" for a fund raiser is pure nonsense.

From what I comprehend from this article is that Pelosi's visit with Walz to Veterans in the Twin Cities and a fundraising event with him are TWO SEPERATE events!!

To aver that Walz is using Veterans as a cover for fundraising with Pelosi is dishonest. Where is your solid evidence Othelmo???

I am a local vet and Walz bringing the likes of Nancy Peolosi here to meet with vets if an insult, not an event. Whether Pelosi is here for a fundraiser or not is beside the point. She has no concern for the military and veterans issues are only a campaign issue for her. I suppose Walz' next guest for vets will be Hanoi Jane. Walz is a liberal masquerading as a conservative in a district he has no business representing.

Posted by: HFStassen April 05, 2008 at 03:55 PM

I regret that my observations about the fact that veterans are about to be used as props preceding a lavish fundraising event for Pelosi and Walz have caused such a virulent reaction from Walz's groupies.Walz's shameful record on taxes, spending, debt, and regulatory burdens on consumers and taxpayers is indeed part of the mix when considering the worthiness of the incumbent's reelection bid, not just "cash on hand."

Liberals would love to have Walz's voting record not be a part of the discussion but it must be. Walz and his fellow liberal ideologues in the Democratic Party controlled House and Senate are killing small business and making it more difficult for individuals on fixed incomes to live independently outside of a welfare system that strips them of their independence and dignity.

In my opinion, it is not fair to ignore Walz's abusive tax and spending ways while he is posing for photo ops with veterans as a cover for raking in campaign cash for Nancy Pelosi.

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