Thursday, April 03, 2008

Endorsements or Indictments? Part II

Two of Jane Fonda's proudest moments

Posted April 3, 2008 7:00 AM
by Andrew Malcolm
Jane Fonda, the actress and ardent anti-Vietnam war advocate who visited North Vietnam during those hostilities, has endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president.

There were no formal ceremonies for the endorsement. In fact, the Obama campaign may just be learning about the actress's approval now as word spreads like lit gunpowder via the Internet.

Fonda was eating out last night and exited the restaurant, ignoring as celebrities often do the assembled press contingent.

But a video camera was rolling as she approached the street and someone, perhaps just trying to get her to turn around for a picture, shouted out at her back, "Who are you going to vote for?"There was a moment of silence. Then, the actress did turn around toward the cameras, paused and with a smile said simply, "Obama!" Then she got into a car and drove away.

It's simply shocking to read that the woman who posed with North Vietnamese anti-aircraft weapons and whose anti-American tirades were recorded and piped into the cages of American prisoners of war is not supporting Vietnam veteran and five-year Hanoi Hilton "guest" Senator John McCain's presidential bid.

Carter hints at supporting Obama
Posted: 04:05 PM ET

(CNN) — Former President Jimmy Carter all but said Wednesday he plans to cast his superdelegate vote for Barack Obama.

Speaking with a Nigerian paper while in Abuja, Carter noted several reasons why he might be leaning toward the Illinois senator.

"Don’t forget that Obama won in my state of Georgia," Carter said. "My town, which is home to 625 people, is for Obama, my children and their spouses are pro-Obama. My grandchildren are also pro-Obama."

"As a superdelegate, I would not disclose who I am rooting for but I leave you to make that guess," Carter added.
Not surprisingly, former president Jimmy "Miserable Failure" Carter made his quasi-endorsement known overseas. Mr. Malaise, if you remember, popularized the misery index (unemployment rate plus inflation rate).
When Carter was elected president in 1976, the misery index was 13.57%. At the end of his misbegotten presidency, it had reached 21.98%. So, forgive me if I don't value anything he says. He is at his best when he is building houses for Habitat for Humanity.

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