Thursday, April 24, 2008

Kuisle by Acclamation

Bill and Isaac, his motivation to run again.

House District 30B Republicans endorsed Bill Kuisle by acclamation earlier tonight. Bill used to represent the district before he was stricken with cancer and unemployed substitute teacher Andy Welti managed to lie his way into the Minnesota House.

We all know the disaster Welti's two terms have been. His most distinguished accomplishments, other than being one of the most subservient DFLers in the House, have been banning glass containers and growing a beard. During the current session, Welti voted for every possible tax increase and failed to stand up for the educational funding parity and economic needs of the district he misrepresents.

We need adult representation in the Minnesota House. Badly. I support Bill because, like most of us, he is a mature adult, has worked hard most of his life, knows what it's like to pay his own bills and is raising a family. He was also a very successful legislator whom Minnesota House Republicans and Democrats still respect and someone whose accomplishments still benefit the residents of District 30B.

As a new father, Bill is focused on working for a better future for his adopted son Isaac, whom he calls "my motivation to run again."

Bill, who is now cancer free, is a selfless individual and will be a refreshing change from the egotistical, self-serving, slavish and insecure misrepresentation we have been getting not only from Welti but also from Reps. Tina Liebling, an embarrassment, Kim Norton, Hillary-esque, and Sen. Ann Lynch, the Incoherent.

It's time to clean the Minnesota House. Let's return the mature, the sane, the selfless and the bright to St. Paul in November.

Vote Republican. Again.

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