Saturday, April 05, 2008

Is The End Near?

Clinton down, but not out of running
By Linda Feldmann Fri Apr 4, 4:00 AM ET

Washington - – Bit by bit, the walls are closing in on Hillary Rodham Clinton. By just about every measure, including total votes, total delegates, and money raised, she is trailing Barack Obama in their pitched battle for the Democratic presidential nomination. And in the most important category where she's still ahead superdelegates – her lead is shrinking.

Thus far this week, three superdelegates – party leaders and elected officials who can support whomever they want at the August convention – have broken for Senator Obama while Senator Clinton hasn't won any. It is highly unlikely that Clinton can overtake Obama in the "pledged delegate" count – those won in primaries and caucuses – but it is also impossible for Obama to secure the nomination just on pledged delegates. Thus, the superdelegates will decide the nomination.

Thursday's stunning announcement that Obama had raised more than $40 million in March, with 218,000 new donors that month, dealt another blow to Clinton. Her campaign has not released its own March figure yet, but said it will come in below Obama's.

So, can Clinton actually still win the nomination? In theory, yes, analysts say. But she would have to win just about every remaining contest, and then persuade enough superdelegates that she has a better chance than Obama of beating the presumptive Republican nominee, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, in November.

Hillary is a sinking (battle) ship. It was already bad enough that she was behind in the "popular vote" and pledged delegate numbers. Now, the money, superdelegates and post-Reverend Wright momentum are swinging Obama's way again. Hillary and the Clinton legacy are being clearly rejected by the party establishment. Will she ever get a clue?

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