Sunday, April 06, 2008

Pogemiller: "Government Knows Best"

"I think it's simplistic and naive to say people can spend their money better than the government. I just think it's trite, wrong-headed and anti-democratic."

- Minnesota Senate Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller, March 8, 2008, Brian Coyle Center - South Minneapolis

Thank you, Michael Brodkorb from Minnesota Democrats Exposed for the heads up on Pogemiller's collectivist arrogance.

Here's Poggie's disingenuous response after his shameful, anti-capitalist and anti-American statement reached an audience wider than the foaming-at-the-mouth socialists who first welcomed it.

Write Now: Letter lacked context of quote

Published: April 02. 2008 12:30AM
Last updated: April 02. 2008 1:54PM

I was a little surprised to learn that a Republican Party leader in the St. Cloud area chose to write to the Times about remarks I made to my constituents weeks ago at my town-hall meeting in Minneapolis. (“Pogemiller’s words show laws of land are obsolete,” Wednesday.) My surprise turned to disappointment when I saw the author also chose to strip my remarks of any context, so please allow me to fill in the gaps.

It’s true that I said, “It’s simplistic and naïve to say people can individually spend their money better than government.” I went on to say, “I don’t care how rich you are you can’t build a freeway system by yourself.” I also said, “… you can’t build a public educational system by yourself.”

The point is obvious. In a democracy we join together to provide police and fire protection, road and schools. It is simplistic to suggest that we can do these things on our own.

Larry Pogemiller

Senate Majority Leader


Poggie, along with the DFL, is the trite, anti-democrat here. Poggie and the DFL party of intrusion and tax abuse believe that your hard-earned money must be managed by the government, not you. That is a truly anti-democratic view.

I wonder if our local DFL legislators agree with Poggie's view that government knows how to spend taxpayers' money better than the taxpayers' themselves.

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